Have you ever thought about the impact of allowing a child to dream big? God gave us our imaginations to use for great purposes in growing His kingdom. Dreaming big takes courage, especially for children living in extreme poverty. They are constantly surrounded by voices that tell them they cannot achieve their goals. They are discouraged from going to school by their own families and are taught to survive, not thrive.
Have you ever been inspired by someone’s testimony? Inspired by someone passionate about helping others? Meet Justina.
My name is Jill. I was first introduced to African Vision of Hope 17 years ago, started volunteering and took my first Mission Trip to Zambia in 2008. I am now a part of the global African Vision of Hope team and I am so thankful to be the hands and feet of Jesus to these vulnerable children and families. It is my passion to bring their stories to light and partner with you to break the cycle of extreme poverty. Â