God is working in Zambia. He is moving mountains, changing lives, and saving souls. And He is using African Vision of Hope to do it. Through AVOH’s work in Zambia, children are receiving an education, hungry stomachs are being fed, illnesses are being treated, the Word of God is being heard and received, and people are trusting in Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Through our time there, we got to see first-hand how God is moving among the Zambian people. With a willing heart, we conducted bible studies, vacation bible schools, medical clinics, and youth programs. We lead times of worship, singing, and dancing. But the good things that happened were not on our own accord; Christ worked in us and through us. He deserves all the praise and all the glory.
As the people in Zambia say:
God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good.
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