Nutrition & Clean Water
Each week over 17,000 nutritious, vitamin-fortified meals are served to hungry children. African Vision of Hope school campuses are equipped with clean water sources and sanitation measures to ensure students stay healthy and in school.
Sanitation is Saving Lives
The lack of clean drinking water is an enormous burden in Zambia. Children are forced to spend hours each day to find and haul water. Lack of access negatively affects school attendance. Over the last 6 months we have stepped up our clean water programs by digging 4 new deep wells with taps and installing 24 hand washing stations, ensuring every school and rescue home has clean water. Each student is instructed on good hygiene, hand washing, boiling water at home and wearing masks when necessary.

Susan is enjoying a cool drink of water at African Vision of Hope School in Chongwe.

Nourishing Bodies, Fueling Minds
“He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.” Isaiah 40:29
It’s lunchtime at the African Vision of Hope School in Kafue, Zambia. Every day, over 3,596 hot lunches are served at the schools and rescue homes. Each child depends on this meal to sustain them until the next day. In 2020 we introduced a new lunch program that is protein packed and vitamin fortified. Zambia ranks in the top 10 hungriest countries in the world. Malnutrition is a major challenge in Zambia and contributes to low school attendance and stunted growth. We are seeing the fast results of this highly beneficial lunch program that is supporting children in reaching their full potential.