Rescuing & Restoring
Child Protection Officers are trained to identify and rescue children forced into child marriage, child labor, human trafficking, and abuse. Every student is discipled to become a godly leader for their school, family, and community.
Defending the Weak and Fatherless
Every child deserves to feel safe, protected, treasured, and worth fighting for. African Vision of Hope Child Protection Officers (CPOs) are stationed at each of our 6 campuses, and it is their job to identify children who are living in vulnerable situations, rescue them, and give them a safe place to call home. Fizwell is a CPO at our rural school in Chongwe, where every day he confronts abusers, advocates for girls who are being forced into child marriage, and reaches out a hand to children who are losing their way.

Fizwell with Clara and David, students at African Vision of Hope School in Chongwe

Queen, left before she was rescued and Queen, right today.
You have rescued 132 children just like Queen who are now living in safe homes. They have been slaves, beaten, used, exploited and thrown away, but now have a new life, are joyful, happy and their childhoods are restored.
Rescuing and Restoring
“When I slept in my bed at the Girls House of Hope for the first time, it was heaven on earth. I spent my whole life sleeping on grain sacks on the floor. I never dreamed I would have a safe, warm place to sleep.” – Queen
Zambia is one of the hardest places in the world to be a child and is home to one of the largest orphan populations in the world. Without parents or advocates children are exploited. Queen (pictured to the left in her room at the Girls House of Hope) lost both of her parents to AIDS and had to become the head of the household. Her new responsibilities were keeping her out of the classroom and she knew that, soon, she would be sold as a child bride. Queen has been rescued and now lives in the Girls House of Hope where she is part of a family. She is safe, goes to school, has a mom and sisters, and is learning and growing in God’s word.