If you have seen any of the amazing videos telling the story of African Vision of Hope and the children we serve, there is a good chance that video was created by Philip (Check some of them out
HERE!). Philip and his wife are professional videographers based in South Carolina, and he just returned from his most recent trip to Zambia. Whether he is running around with his video camera telling kids to seykalayla (smile), leading worship with the boarders or volunteering here in the USA, it’s clear that Philip has an undeniable passion for serving others.
1. How did you get involved with African Vision of Hope?

I heard about African Vision of Hope through a family friend who knew I had visited Africa before and had a passion for telling stories through video. After talking on the phone with the U.S. office it was clear that God was doing amazing things through the ministry and that the opportunity to serve alongside them was something I couldn’t pass up.
2. How many African Vision of Hope mission trips have you gone on?
I have been on six mission trips with African Vision of Hope, using video and pictures to tell the story of how God is using the ministry to end extreme poverty and change countless lives of children and their families who go to African Vision of Hope schools. It has been so exciting to watch the ministry grow since that first year I went.
3. What do you enjoy most about volunteering with African Vision of Hope?
My favorite thing about volunteering with the organization is getting to watch the new students who never smiled grow each year physically and spiritually to become a smiley and confident leader. Also, we have the best leaders on the ground… developing relationships with the team in Zambia and having devotions each morning together has deeply enriched my walk with Christ. Oh and the singing! Our time of worship with the boarders is the highlight of every trip.

4. Has your time in Zambia taught you anything about yourself? What have you learned through your experiences?
After going on my first trip to Zambia I learned how much I had taken education for granted. In Zambia, school isn’t free and it gets more and more expensive each year. After seeing just how much a difference each grade level makes to a Zambian surviving and thriving I finally understood how valuable learning is. It sounds so simple but learning about our bodies or why it rains and especially learning how much God likes us, has earth-shattering, poverty-extinguishing, eternal implications. Learning is the key to it all. Every child deserves the opportunity to learn and make something of themselves.
5. What would you tell someone thinking about becoming a mission team member or volunteer?
If you are thinking about volunteering or going on a trip, don’t think anymore just do it! You don’t have to wait on God’s calling, he has already called us to serve the least of these so don’t delay – stamp letters, pray, answer phones, or go to Zambia… anytime we serve others is an opportunity to serve our maker and be molded by Him!
Thank you, Philip, for your tireless work in sharing these children’s stories! The gift of your time and talents is immeasurable.
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