Pictured above: The Business Studies class at African Vision of Hope School in Chongwe stand in front of the Lusaka Stock Exchange, one of the stops on their field trip into the city.

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Because of you, students who may have never traveled by car or visited the city are getting the opportunity to explore and see beyond their own community. Students from the Business Studies class at our most rural school in Chongwe were able to take a field trip and see the subjects they are studying in school applied in the workplace first hand.

Pictured: Teachers and pupils loaded up on a bus for the one-hour ride from Chongwe into the city

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First, students visited the Lusaka Stock Exchange. They were given a tour and taught about how the stock exchange works and its role in the economy. Next, the group traveled to the mall where they were given a tour and lesson on how the mall operates as a business as well as the individual stores that make up the mall itself – such as the food court, department stores, etc. They saw how a business works and were able to discuss how what they are learning in class is applicable to everyday life.

Pictured: Students at the Stock Exchange learning about its function and role in the economy

“This field trip gave pupils the opportunity to visit prestigious places and visualize the things they are taught in school. These activities help them learn through experience and exposure rather than just from books. The students were able to be educated not only on commerce but also in etiquette and appropriate social behaviors in the workplace. We are so grateful for the opportunity to supply hands-on experience to our pupils.” – Miss Kaanza, African Vision of Hope Business Department teacher

Field trips like this would not be possible without you! Thank you for supporting learning that goes beyond the school walls. These students will be equipped for life after graduation because of you. With your continued support, more learning opportunities like this can be made possible.

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