Major’s life has been majorly transformed because of you.
His father passed away when he was young, leaving his mother to try and feed, clothe, and shelter their family all on her own. “Many days our family did not eat. I decided that I needed to do something to help, so I dropped out of school after grade 7 and began working.”
Major found a job loading construction bricks onto trucks. It was hard work, but it was what he had to do to survive. He was living on the streets, barely eating and never bathing. While there he met Esther, the Headmistress at African Vision of Hope School in Chongwe. She asked his name and why he was living in the streets. “I told her I was not going to school because of my family’s situation. I could not pay for my school fees, so I started working to help my family survive.”

Esther asked for Major to take her home to meet his mother. Once there, Esther asked for permission to “adopt” Major so he could come live with her and attend school at African Vision of Hope School in Chongwe. His mother said yes, and he became a proud grade 8 student.
“I thank God that I am in school. God has given me a home and an education. My adopted mother has many other children living with her, children like me who are from the streets. I am so thankful for her sacrifice and also thankful to African Vision of Hope for giving me a chance. Because of you I have been given a uniform, shoes, a school bag, and an education.”
When you invest in education, you are giving people like Esther a job so they can provide for their families, both biological and “adopted”. You are rescuing children from the street and putting them in a classroom. You are sharing hope.
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