Because of you, African Vision of Hope students are reaping the benefits of nutrition and community partnerships.
Stepping into rural Zambia is like taking a trip back in time. Farmers plow with oxen and plant and prepare fields by hand, without modern tools. This year, declining soil fertility and erratic rains have led to a poor harvest. Having a year-round income is the difference between survival and providing a life for your family.

The African Vision of Hope Conservation Farm is working together with partners to help adopt agricultural conservation practices and provide basic tools like oxen, sprayers, and planters. The farmers learn to plant early with minimal soil disturbance which provides greater water filtration. The results are increased production and a profit that farmers, like Naomi, can reinvest in their land. When people learn how to improve agriculture and farming techniques, they gain the ability to grow and maintain healthy crops, which provides higher yields and allows families to move out of extreme poverty. Left: Naomi is all smiles with her new corn planter and sprayer. In Zambia, 50% of the population relies on agriculture to survive and make a living.

The Conservation Farm is raising corn, okra, spinach, onions, beans, and chickens. This year, a low-cost irrigation reservoir was created to water crops during the drought and dry season. This year, the Farm produced over 20,000 pounds of crops! A portion of the profits is used to provide school fees and uniforms to children in the community and agricultural training to local farmers. The Farm also subsidizes the African Vision of Hope school lunch programs. Every child in school relies on the lunch program as this is the only meal many of these children will receive each day. Right: Joseph loves lunchtime at school. He enjoys nshima (porridge) and beans at African Vision of Hope School in Kafue.
It is because of you that all of this is possible! Thank you for your commitment to seeing little tummies filled and the lives of families transformed across the globe.