Life is rarely ever fair and hardly ever simple for children and families living in extreme poverty. For Miriam and her children, their life’s story needs a hero to save the day – and that hero is you. She’s the reason for projects like the African Vision of Hope House of Hope Home.

Miriam is no stranger to struggle. She is a single mother who occasionally works as a maid to support her family. An illness left her partially blind, and she cannot afford glasses to help her see, so working is extremely challenging. Because of her financial situation, none of Miriam’s children attend school.
Violet is Miriam’s youngest child and she is 14 years old – a very vulnerable age for girls in Zambia. Violet lived with her father and was able to go to school until she reached grade 6, but she ran away from home because of her stepmother’s abuse. “She used to mistreat me a lot. She would make me sleep outside, refuse to give me food, and make me wash her clothes and clean her house while her own children did nothing. She told me I was unwelcome in her home.” Things are also hard at her mother’s house, and most times there is only enough food for them all to eat one meal a day, but at least Violet is welcome there.
“My greatest wish is for my children to be educated. I want them to have a better home and life than what I have given them, their lives depend on education.” – Miriam
One way girls like Violet can be rescued from their cycle of poverty is through the African Vision of Hope House of Hope which opens on March 1st. This home will rescue orphaned and vulnerable girls from desperate situations and hopelessness. Will you help save their lives? Your monthly gift will provide an ongoing home for a girl desperately in need of a safe home, warm bed, clean clothes, shoes, nutritious food, medical care, spiritual mentoring, and education.
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