“When I was young I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and help teach the vulnerable children just like me.”

Martin teacher

Martin and his wife do not have any children of their own, but he considers all of his students as part of his family. He knows what it is like to come to school on an empty stomach. He can relate to the feeling of being tired from working after school to make money to pay his school fees and help feed his family. Martin knows what it is like to worry if he will be able to save enough for next semester’s tuition. Among his 8 siblings, he is the only one who was able to go to school and graduate with a high school diploma. The struggles of growing up in a poor family are familiar to him. It is those struggles that make him an awesome teacher.

After receiving his degree in Early Childhood Education in 2016, Martin applied to be a teacher at African Vision of Hope school in Kafue. Martin teaches 4th and 7th grade. He has a heart to work with vulnerable children, which is what brought him to African Vision of Hope. “I have learned a lot from my students. Working here helps me feel like I am helping the community.”

Also, Martin has started taking classes to earn his Bachelors in Science and Math. He is excited to learn and be able to pass on this new information to his pupils. “It is a blessing to be part of this organization because of the Christian values we teach students. Handling two classes has given me a lot of experience. Our students come here to school without eating but are given a free lunch. It would be hard to teach these children if they had empty stomachs. As teachers, we are also parents to our students who are orphans.” Martin Teacher

Martin is familiar with how it feels to depend on only himself. He put himself through school. “This helps me understand my students much better. Most of them depend on themselves. It is a blessing that African Vision of Hope is giving them a free education.”

Most of all, African Vision of Hope teachers know about the vulnerability of their students. They grew up in the same situation. Because of you, African Vision of Hope students have qualified, caring teachers. They want to equip and prepare their students to be the best they can be.  With your sustained support, these teachers will continue to be supplied with adequate curriculum, enough desks for their classrooms, functional chalk boards, and training to ensure they are up-to-date on the most relevant teaching practices.


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