Above: David, An African Vision of Hope student proudly hoists his team’s trophy in the air as African Vision of Hope CEO Judi and other staff members applaud their success in the ministry-wide Student Merit Scholar Competition.

Your ongoing support and prayers are helping children in Zambia by providing opportunities for them to learn and grow!

This week in Zambia was a busy one. From a ministry-wide Merit Competition to computer and nutrition training, students and staff, as well as mission team members, made the most of their time together. All of these activities were held at the Girls House of Hope Home in the meeting rooms and dining area. Not only is the House of Hope a home for orphaned and vulnerable girls, it is also a bustling place for group activities, fellowship, and now the Student Merit Scholar Competition!


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Students from three African Vision of Hope schools – Chongwe, Kabulonga, and Kafue – gathered for a Student Merit Scholar Competition where they were quizzed on topics such as math, English, biology, and general knowledge. Each school walked away with 500 Kwatcha ($50 US dollars) and a trophy to put on display. You can see the pride in their faces as they accept their awards! 

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African Vision of Hope staff and teachers were also given computer training by Francine, a mission team member. These men and women were taught how to use Microsoft Excel to collect and organize information, perform math functions, and keep information updated. They were also taught the basics on Microsoft Word. Access and training on simple tools like this is life-changing and opens countless doors for their futures.

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Lastly, mission team members, Suzette and Betty, held a nutrition course for teachers and staff to inform them about the importance of vitamins and minerals in their diet. Staff also looked at the importance of eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and the benefits of using less oil, salt, and sugar in their cooking. In addition, they were shown essential first aid lessons such as how to help someone who has fainted, is choking, has been burned, and correct sleeping positions for babies. These lessons may seem simple to us, but for someone living in a third world country they could mean life or death. 


Thank you to the mission team members who were involved in these awesome trainings and activities, and thanks to YOU for making it possible for students to go to school and for men and women to have jobs that provide for their families! 

Give now so opportunities like these can continue throughout the ministry.


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