Esther in her bedroom at the Girls House of Hope Home.
Girls are the most vulnerable members of Zambia’s society. In Zambia, four out of 10 girls will be sold into marriage between the ages of 14-18. Every year of education reduces this risk.

Esther is a double orphan, meaning she has lost both of her parents. She and twelve other family members lived in a 3-room house, with no electricity or running water, and all slept in the same room. They would sleep on top of their grandmother’s clothes because they did not have blankets.
“Eating was a struggle. When the food would run out, we would have to wait until my uncle got paid at the end of the month to buy more. Sometimes he would not get paid at all. Most times the only meal I would eat was at school.” – Esther

Esther knew she would soon be sold into marriage to help her family buy food. Her life changed forever when she was rescued and began living at the Girls House of Hope Home. “I met new friends who love me and have become my family. They share about God’s blessings with me. I have a real bathroom and a real bed to sleep in. We do small chores like cleaning our rooms but we do not have to work jobs to pay for food or shelter. I can focus on my studies, unlike where I was staying before.”
During the pandemic when schools were closed and everyone went home, Esther told Chance, the house mother, “I don’t want to go back because this is my home now.” Esther is so thankful for the House of Hope and for the opportunity to be educated. When she grows up, she wants to go into law enforcement.
(Pictured: Esther and her housemates at the Girls House of Hope. )
The African Vision of Hope Girls House of Hope is home to 30 at-risk and vulnerable girls like Esther. These young women are empowered to fulfill their potential and exercise their human rights. They are provided hope, love, rescue, medical care, nutrition, clean water, education, and shelter.
You can be part of their transformation from orphaned to educated.
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