“If I was not given a place at African Vision of Hope, I would have ended up in prostitution or abusing alcohol like my neighbors.”

Janet in grade 11 at African Vision of Hope School in Kabulonga and has been a pupil there for 4 years. She and her 9 siblings stay in a three-room mud hut with their mother, father, and grandmother. They have no running water and no electricity. Her father does not work and stays home to drink all day. Janet’s mother is the sole provider for the family, working as a maid for $10 a month.

“This is not enough to feed and house all of us. Many times I work before going to school in the morning, and when I get out of school I go to work again. I try to find time to study at night, but it is difficult to read in candle light. The free meals we receive at school are a blessing because at home sometimes we don’t eat.”

Without African Vision of Hope, Janet would not be educated and learning about God’s love for her. “Where I live in the compound, many young girls my age and younger don’t go to school because of their parent’s life situation. Most fathers are jobless, and many mothers work as maids or sell vegetables and charcoal to support their families. A lot of fathers are drunkards and drug abusers, and young ladies resort to prostitution. I see girls as young as 14 years old with older men because that is the only way for them to find money. They have no one to provide for them because their families are poor. If I was not given a place at African Vision of Hope, I would have ended up in prostitution or abusing alcohol like my neighbors.”

“God has blessed me through African Vision of Hope. If I was not in school, I would have been influenced by other bad behaving friends in the compound. I love this school because of the way they teach us Christian studies to encourage us in life. I want to stay focused and finish school and became a nurse because I want to help the sick people.”

Janet’s story is just one of thousands that has been transformed from poverty to possibility because of you. Although her home life is still a struggle, she finds strength in studying and knowing that, because she is educated, she can end her cycle of poverty and make something of herself. You can help more children like Janet who are in desperate need of rescue. There are thousands waiting for their chance to sit in a desk.


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