When you provide one man or woman with a seminary scholarship, thousands of people will be reached through them with the good news of Jesus. With Norbert and his wife both being trained in Theology, this reach will go twice as far.

Norbert’s wife, Tamara, leads worship at one of the churches where they serve

Norbert and Tamara are both in their last semesters of seminary and are being sponsored by African Vision of Hope. Through their scholarships, they have been able to study towards Bachelor’s degrees in Theology. “It has not been an easy few years with studying, ministering, and raising a family, but God has pulled us through it all,” says Norbert. Not only has Norbert been studying hard, he was also voted student body president which has helped enhance his leadership skills and prepare him to lead a church of his own someday. He is currently serving at two churches, gaining practical experience and getting practice preaching and evangelizing.

“I have had a great seminary experience. School has prepared me for effective ministry work, and I am very much looking forward to graduating and using what I have learned to minister to God’s people. Thank you to African Vision of Hope for sponsoring our studies. Without your help, we would not be as equipped for God’s service.”

You can make sure men and women like Norbert and Tamara have the opportunity to answer God’s call to ministry through seminary scholarships.

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