Through the years, children answer the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” over and over. As a child living in a third-world country, Hellen didn’t know if she would even make it to adulthood and have the chance to “grow up”.

When Hellen became a student at African Vision of Hope, she saw that her dreams of becoming a teacher were actually within reach. After graduation she was granted an African Vision of Hope college scholarship, and now she is studying to pursue a career teaching high school commerce, ensuring her students are prepared for college as well as adulthood. She is in her fourth year of school and will graduate in 2021.
Currently, she is on break from school until September due to the pandemic. She is using this time wisely and found a part-time job as a secretary and book editor (pictured). Hellen is also mentoring at African Vision of Hope schools and recently held a lecture on self esteem, encouraging students to see themselves as Christ sees them.
“I want to say thank you so much for the help you are giving to vulnerable and underprivileged children like me. There was no way for my parents to send me to college. Often they cannot afford to feed our family. This is why I am thankful for the opportunity to go to college and provide a way for them to escape extreme poverty.”
Without you, young men and women like Hellen watch their futures pass them by. For them, you are the difference between poverty and possibility. You can provide scholarships for the next generation of Zambian leaders, like Hellen.
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