Ruth often sits in the tall grass bordering the dusty path to her village. She watches children laughing with friends on their way to school. For a few moments she is able to forget about the dark secrets she keeps inside. Ruth’s childhood has been stolen. She was born to a mother who was assaulted as a young girl and is unable to provide for Ruth.


Recently, Ruth broke her silence as she sat with one of our Child Protection Officers. The conversation lingered for hours as she relived each horrific detail. Ruth remembers the exact number of times she has been assaulted and the fear she endures every day. She knows her life is at risk; her abuser has threatened to kill her if she tells anyone. The very person entrusted to protecting her, she fears.


Ruth has dreams: dreams of feeling safe at night, dreams of being cared for and dreams of going to school. Protection, love and education are not too much for a young girl to ask. Ruth has risked her life by stepping out and asking for help. Every night she prays for God to take away her suffering. Will you respond to Ruth’s desperate plea for rescue?



Your gift today will have 2x the impact with a matching challenge.


God can use you to restore HOPE in Ruth’s life. You can change stories like Ruth’s and make their dreams come true. Your gift will provide rescue home care, education and restoration that come through knowing their value and worth in Jesus Christ.



Right now you have the opportunity to double your impact with a matching challenge. Will you pray about making a gift to transform and save lives?


Make An Impact Today