Have you ever dreamed of owning a tiny house, like the ones you see on HGTV? Could you live in a four foot tall house in rural Zambia? This is reality for 13 year old Cephas. He lives in a tiny mud brick house with no plumbing, electricity or access to clean water. The family lives an hour away from African Vision of Hope school, up a rocky mountain, deep in the bush.
In 2014, Cephas’s father passed and Cephas and his family went to live with his grandparents. His mom never had the opportunity to be educated and finds it extremely difficult to find a job in rural Chongwe. The only opportunities for an uneducated woman in the area are farming or selling vegetables on street corners, but customers come and go, leaving the family with no stable income.
A total of 9 family members were staying in their one roomed house with no electricity or plumbing. During the day when the sun is high in the sky, the inside of the house heats up to uncomfortable temperatures. Cephas normally slept uncomfortably between his mother, grandparents, and siblings. Life with his grandparents became much more challenging when his grandpa had a stroke in 2020. One side of his body is paralyzed and he has no way of moving around except when his wife lifts him up to eat, drink, or bathe. He spends most days in the hot home where he lays on the dirt floor and he depends completely on his wife for care.

Cephas, being the oldest child, has taken on the responsibility to care for his family. He always dreamt of being a construction worker and used his passion for building to construct a second tiny brick home for the family. Cephas would do piece work every day helping at a nearby farm, and was able to get enough materials to construct a mud brick home for himself and his two brothers, freeing up space in the main home.
The mission team visited with the family in February, delivered rice, and experienced the rugged terrain that these children walk everyday to school. Led by the Campus Pastor, the team prayed over the family and is searching for a wheelchair for the grandfather. The Child Protection Officers have made regular visits to Cephas’ home to deliver rice and encourage the family.
Despite the challenges they face, Cephas enjoys learning in class, participating in daily devotionals, and eating rice. When he graduates, he wants to be a contractor. He admires people who build beautiful structures, and know it will help his family have a better life.
Cephas and his 3 siblings all attend African Vision of Hope school and are all in need of a sponsor. Having a sponsor would truly change their life and deeply encourage Cephas and his siblings to finish school. Will you join us in praying for Cephas and his siblings to be blessed with a sponsor? If you would like to be the encourager in Cephas’ life, call the office to sponsor him today at 618-288-7695 or click the button below