Above: Audrey proudly stands in front of her school at the University of Zambia.
When Audrey was 5 years old her mother passed away from tuberculosis, a completely preventable and treatable disease. In third-world countries like Zambia, even simple ailments like a fever turn deadly with lack of available treatment. Ever since her mother’s death, Audrey’s father struggled to raise her and her siblings.
“The money he earned could not even pay for enough food for us to eat, let alone pay for our schooling. Things got so bad that I was being chased from school because my father could not pay my fees.”

When Audrey was 12 years old, she was introduced to African Vision of Hope through a friend. “I remember walking one hour and 30 minutes to African Vision of Hope School in Kabulonga on my first day. It was so worth it because I was finally accepted into a school where I felt welcomed. I was able to go to school at absolutely no cost.”
Soon, Audrey was given a place at the boarding house so she would no longer have to walk an hour and a half to school, and then an hour and a half home. In 2014, she graduated from African Vision of Hope School and applied to college at the University of Zambia. She was accepted and began to study Educational Psychology through an African Vision of Hope scholarship.
“I chose to study Educational Psychology because I saw there was a great need for it in my country. This field of study looks at how students learn and how teachers can help them learn more effectively. As an Educational Psychologist I will be able to give back to society in such a way that will help learners overcome the problems related to their learning. I have the ability to develop teaching methods that will allow for learners with disorders, such as Dyslexia, learn effectively, and I also have the training to create a better learning environment for everyone.”
Audrey is looking forward to contributing to Zambia’s development in the educational sector. She wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for generous donors like you!
“African Vision of Hope has not only helped me academically and financially but has also helped me grow spiritually. I am very grateful to African Vision of Hope for all that they have done and are still doing for me. I do not take it lightly that they have been able to help me in every way I could possibly think of because it is a very rare opportunity. I just want to give thanks to every donor or sponsor that has given in order to help children such as me and a thousand others attain education and literacy skills to enable us to contribute to the development of our country. My prayer is for more willing hearts to continue helping the vulnerable through African Vision of Hope.”
You can answer Audrey’s prayer today.
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