Until recently, Matthew lived with his grandmother and twelve siblings in a one-room mud hut in a Zambian slum. Their home lacked electricity and running water. Last month, his grandmother passed away and the siblings were split up.

Sad matthew

Matthew went to live with his father who does not have a steady income or stable home life. As the sole provider for his family, Matthew washes people’s clothes and sells charcoal, tomatoes, and homemade brooms. He does not own a pair of shoes, bathes once a week if there is enough water to go around, and eats one meal a day. If he does not work his family does not eat. If he has to pay school fees, his family cannot afford housing. (Pictured, Matthew cooking dinner over a charcoal burner in front of his home.)

happy matthew

This is extreme poverty, and this is how many African Vision of Hope students live. Their barriers to education are sky high. You are breaking down those walls by making education accessible to any child who desires to learn – regardless of their ability to pay. The comforting part of Matthew’s story is that he is an African Vision of Hope student, which means he will continue to be able to go to school despite his desperate financial situation. (Pictured, Matthew selling produce in the streets of his village.)

Matthew is in the fourth grade at African Vison of Hope School in Kabulonga. He does not have a sponsor to write him letters and encourage him to press on and never give up. Will you be the one to step in and become Matthew’s sponsor? Enter his ID number KA 2348 into the link below.


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